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Woman’s companion could be charged in pedestrian death

A woman trying to cross southbound Loop 12 in the dark was the victim of a pedestrian-vehicle accident in Irving recently. Police may not blame the driver who struck the woman. However, officials are considering filing charges against the man the car accident victim had been with just before she died.

The story leading up to the pedestrian’s death involves a 45-year-old companion who left the injured woman behind, a wrecked and disabled pickup truck and a motorist who chose to leave the fatal accident scene.

The victim was a passenger in a pickup driven by an Irving man. The truck was involved in a single-vehicle crash on southbound Loop 12 near Shady Grove Road. Motorists who stopped at the accident site were asked if they could give the couple a ride.

A driver on the opposite side of Loop 12 agreed to help the stranded man and woman. The pair started to cross the highway, one at a time, with the pickup driver going first. The Irving man reached the northbound lanes safely. The woman was struck in the southbound lanes by an oncoming car. The pickup driver climbed in the northbound car and left the accident scene with the driver who offered to give the couple a ride.

Accident witnesses saw the fatally-injured woman’s companion leave and gave Irving police a description of the vehicle. Authorities found and stopped the driver. The woman’s companion was taken into custody.

Police believe the Irving man was intoxicated when he wrecked his pickup, crossed the highway and abandoned the victim as she lay on the road.

The man was booked on suspicion of drunk driving. Additional charges against the DWI suspect could be made, if police can connect the man’s actions to the woman’s death. Criminal charges are also being considered against the driver who drove the suspect from the scene.

Source:, “Woman dies after being hit crossing Loop 12 in Irving,” Alex Branch, March 23, 2012

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