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Defective Products – Product Liability Lawyer

Dangerous and defective products, dangerously designed or manufacturered, put innocent consumers at risk every day. When a defective product injures you or someone you love, you need experienced product liability attorneys who can hold the manufacturer accountable.

The Turley Law Firm has been handling defective product cases in the Dallas area since 1973, and we will use 50+ years of experience to help you hold product manufacturers accountable for their negligent actions. We’ll fight aggressively every step of the way to help you recover the compensation you deserve.

You can learn about your rights and options by speaking with our product liability lawyers in person. Please call 214-691-4025 or email today to schedule your free consultation.

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Experienced Product Liability Litigation

The Turley Law Firm has achieved precedent-setting success in the field of consumer products cases. Our product liability attorneys have successfully advocated for the inclusion of crashworthiness as a design standard for automobiles and aircrafts, and we have successfully pursued manufacturing error cases for injuries caused by guns.

For more than five decades, we have represented people injured by:

  • Vehicle defects, including negligent design, manufacturing error, and lack of crashworthiness
  • Defective medical equipment
  • Food poisoning from contaminated mass-produced foods
  • Defective firearms
  • Defective children’s toys and products
  • Exposure to pesticides
  • Farm equipment and recreational vehicle defects
  • Industrial and construction site accidents caused by defective machinery, wiring, and other malfunctioning equipment
  • Dangerous design and construction of swimming pools and diving boards

This list is just a sample of the products and industries we have taken legal action against on behalf of injured victims. Our caring, qualified attorneys will discuss the specifics of your case and answer your questions during a free consultation at our office in Dallas.

Building Your Defective Product Case

Not every law firm has the experience or resources to represent clients in product liability cases involving major corporations. Our lawyers do, and we will explore all potential options to secure for you the compensation you deserve.

During development of your product liability lawsuit, we will review pertinent information related to the design, manufacturing, labeling, and marketing of the product that caused your injury. Depending on the circumstances, you might be entitled to damages including:

  • Medical care costs
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of wages and inability to work after the injury
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Negative impact on spousal relationship (loss of consortium)
  • Punitive damages, if the manufacturer or company is found grossly negligent

The Three Types of Product Liability Lawsuits

A product liability case involves several factors, including the establishment of who manufactured the product, the manner in which it was designed and assembled, and how the product was marketed to the public. You must first be able to substantiate that your illness, injury or other damage was directly caused by the defective product. Your case cannot proceed without this being proven. In addition, you must prove the cause of the defect, which is typically one of the following:

  • Defectively Manufactured Products: Manufacturers are obligated to sell products that are reasonably safe and free from manufacturing defects. If you can prove that the defective product brought on your injury, then you most likely have a valid claim.
  • Defectively Designed Products: In these cases, you do not necessarily have to establish that the manufacturer knew about the defect. You must prove that the product was unreasonably dangerous because of a defect in the way the product was designed.
  • Failure to Provide Adequate Warnings or Instructions: This requires proof that the product’s instructions or warning labels were insufficient to ensure that consumers would use the product safely and as intended.

Defective Vehicles

Not all crashes are the result of reckless driving. Sometimes a vehicle or a part is insufficiently safe, endangering the driver, passengers, and other people on the road. Given the size and speed of passenger vehicles, loss of function in any essential feature of a car can lead to devastating injuries. Common examples of car accidents caused by vehicle defects include:

  • Tire blowouts
  • Designs that allow occupant ejection in an accident
  • Faulty seatbelts and airbags
  • Brake failure
  • High potential for rollover accidents (particularly common in SUVs)
  • Ignition system errors
  • Acceleration issues
  • Flammability caused by fuel system flaws
  • Unsafe seatback or headrest design
  • Defective electrical systems

If the frame, roof, or other parts of a vehicle can’t provide occupants sufficient protection during a collision, the design flaw could prove deadly. The Turley Law Firm has extensive experience pursuing crashworthiness claims in cases involving passenger and truck vehicles as well as aviation accidents.

Defective Medical Equipment

It can be a painful and frustrating experience when the very thing that is supposed to heal you does the exact opposite. Every year, millions of medical devices are attached, transplanted or used to help patients live fuller, healthier lives. However, if these devices are somehow defective, they can cause even more health problems and put you at risk for more severe, debilitating injuries.

Some commonly defective medical devices include:

  • Defective hip implant or knee replacement parts
  • Devices that harm the immune system
  • Improperly sterilized devices that can cause infection
  • Heart valve implants that leak or break
  • Any malfunctioning device such as a pain pump or insulin pump
  • Pacemakers that stop or fail to keep a proper heartbeat
  • Screw plates

Manufacturers of medical equipment must be held accountable for negligent and irresponsible practices such as substandard manufacturing practices, defective designs and other product defects.

Food Poisoning from Contaminated Products

“Food poisoning” is a broad term that can refer to many different illnesses originating from contaminants in food. Symptoms vary, but most people experience:

  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Fatigue
  • Stomach aches and cramps
  • Dehydration
  • Fever
  • Headaches

Some types of food poisoning pass within 24 hours while others can be much more severe. If symptoms persist, talk to a doctor immediately.

Virtually every kind of mass-produced food has experienced high-profile contamination and been subject to a major recall. Prominent examples include:

  • Peanut butter
  • Lettuce
  • Spinach
  • Canned chili
  • Fresh and frozen beef, poultry, fish, and other meats
  • Strawberries and other fruits

Salmonella, E. coli, botulism, and listeria are just some of the serious illnesses that have been tied to outbreaks of food poisoning in recent years. In the worst cases, consumers who ate the contaminated food required costly medical treatment, missed time from work, and some even died after ingesting certain contaminants.

Claims involving food poisoning usually take the form of a product liability case. Our attorneys will gather evidence to prove that you or your loved one got sick because of producer negligence such as:

  • Unsanitary conditions
  • Unsafe handling of food items
  • Cross-contamination with animal feces, polluted water, or hazardous chemicals
  • Improper storage

Depending on the circumstances, a restaurant can also be held liable for exposing customers to tainted food when workers fail to store, prepare, or handle food properly before serving it.

Defective Firearms

Firearms are inherently dangerous, but when a firearm is carelessly manufactured, marketed or designed, it becomes a defective product that is even more deadly. Through no fault of your own, even as the most skilled firearm user and safest firearm owner, you can suffer an injury at the hands of a defective firearm.

In order to file a product liability lawsuit for an unsafe firearm, you must be able to demonstrate that the injury you have suffered is the result of a defective product rather than the negligence of a person operating the gun.

In general, responsible parties in a defective firearm case can include:

  • The manufacturer
  • The seller
  • The distributor

If it is determined that your injuries are not the result of an individual’s negligence, there are generally three main factors to be considered to establish product liability. These are:

  • The product marketing – A firearm may be considered defective if it has been marketed with inadequate instructions or warnings identifying foreseeable associated risks.
  • The product manufacturing – If a firearm is manufactured with a flaw, it may be considered dangerously defective.
  • The product design – When a firearm is designed in a way that promotes injury despite safer, alternative designs that could reduce or prevent injury, it is considered defective.

Though these criteria might appear to be seemingly straightforward, proving that a firearm is defective can require complex litigation and extensive legal investigation. Having an experienced product liability attorney on your side is critical to filing a successful claim.

The Turley Firm has a long history of representing victims of firearm violence. For decades, this Firm has handled gun cases that have involved injury or death caused by:

  • Guns that were defective in design
  • Guns that were defectively manufactured
  • Negligence in marketing or sales
  • Negligence in safekeeping and security
  • Providing guns to incompetents
  • Providing inducements to misuse

If you have been injured or your family member has been injured or killed by a firearm, the manufacturer, seller, or owner of the gun may be legally liable to the injured victims.

The law dealing with firearm violence has recently changed. You may have a claim for your damages inflicted by a handgun or rifle. The Turley Law Firm can help.

Defective Children’s Products

As a parent, you expect that the toys and products you purchase for your children will be safe, reliable and work as intended. Unfortunately, thousands of injuries and deaths are caused every year by defective toys and other children’s products.

When a dangerous product harms a child, the results can be catastrophic and life-altering. Disabilities suffered at a young age can affect how a child grows, learns and receives enjoyment out of life.

Some ways in which a toy or other children’s product can be found to be defective include:

  • Design defects
  • Manufacturing defects
  • Incomplete or incorrect instructions for safe usage
  • Failure to adequately warn of hazards
  • Breach of warranty

Parents do have valuable resources to help them determine the safety of certain consumer products. For example, the Consumer Products Safety Commission offers a list of defective products, including toys, which have been recalled for safety reasons. Toys are often recalled because they pose a choking risk to small children, but recalls can involve other risks such as:

  • Dangerous chemicals used in the toy’s manufacturing
  • Sharp edges that could cut a child
  • Lead paint violations
  • Fire risk

In addition to toys, other children’s products that commonly exhibit dangerous defects include:

  • Cribs
  • Strollers
  • Car seats
  • Clothing that is flammable
  • Cradles
  • High chairs
  • Playpens
  • Changing tables
  • Baby bottles and bottle warmers
  • Baby baths and bath seats
  • Walkers and jumpers
  • Bicycles, tricycles, skateboards and scooters

Pesticide and Herbicide Exposure

Pesticides are toxic chemicals or biological agents used to repel or eliminate indoor and outdoor pests such as insects, rodents, birds, weeds and even microbes. Pesticides and some herbicides can have dangerous effects on humans, as well.

Some common toxic household products that can cause injury include:

  • Swimming pool chemicals
  • Weed killers
  • Mold and mildew removal products
  • Disinfectants and sanitizers for kitchens, bathrooms and laundries
  • Tick and flea powders, sprays and pet collars
  • Rodent poisons
  • Insect repellents and baits

Beyond common household consumer products, people can be exposed to potentially harmful toxic pesticides and herbicides in several ways:

  • Contamination of drinking water, ground water and food products such as vegetables and fruits
  • Pesticide spray or run-off from farms
  • Use by government agencies in public parks
  • Workplace use

Although some reactions to these toxic pesticides and herbicides can be minor, serious side effects can also occur. Some of these may include:

  • Numbness
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Swelling or stinging nose, mouth and eyes
  • Swelling, redness or blistering of the skin

In addition to these side effects, herbicides and pesticides, particularly with long-term exposure, can cause severe health issues such as brain injuries, seizures, nerve damage and developmental delays in children. They can have harmful effects on both the reproductive system and the endocrine system (the system that controls your body’s hormones).

Proving liability in a toxic exposure case first requires the identification of the specific chemical that caused your injuries. This can be a complex challenge, especially if you are a farmer or factory worker who has been exposed to several pesticides or other chemicals.

Once the harmful substance has been identified, the direct link between the chemical and your injuries must be proven. This is also a complex task.

Due to the complicated nature of these exposure cases, it is important to work with an experienced and successful herbicide and pesticide exposure attorney. The Turley Law Firm has been handling these cases for more than 50 years, and we can help you hold all negligent parties accountable for your damages.

You can learn about your legal rights and options by speaking with the Turley Law Firm. Please call 214-691-4025 or email today to schedule your free consultation. Our office is located in Dallas, Texas.

Swimming Pool Defects

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that drowning is the fifth leading cause of unintentional injury and death in the United States. Many of these tragic accidents occur in swimming pools as a result of some defect in design or construction.

Serious injuries that are caused by structural or mechanical issues with swimming pools often result from problems such as:

  • Pool filter defects: Some pool filters have actually exploded due to a problem with the level of compressed air used. Explosions can cause devastating injuries when dangerous shrapnel is launched dozens of feet in multiple directions. The concussive force of these explosions can also cause traumatic brain injury.
  • Diving board, slide and ladder defects: Unfortunately, some of the features of a pool that elicit the most fun also harbor the most danger. When diving boards are installed in shallow pools, or when ladders or slides fail, victims can suffer head injuries, broken bones or backs or even drown.
  • Pump and drain defects: Pumps or drains that malfunction or are inadequately covered can cause a dangerous problem known as suction entrapment. When this occurs, a swimmer can become trapped underwater due to the force of the drain suction. Sometimes, a swimmer’s hair gets caught in a drain which can lead to death by drowning.
  • Malfunctioning electrical systems: Electrocution can also injure swimmers

The Turley Law Firm Can Help

When facing a legal battle with a big company, it is most imperative that you hire an experienced attorney to represent you. The Turley Law Firm possesses the background and resources needed to effectively fight for your rights in most types of injury claims. Our attorneys can determine whether you have adequate evidence for a valid claim, and advise you on the best way to approach your case.

With more than 50 years of experience working to attain the maximum compensation for our clients, our Dallas product liability lawyers won’t back down from negligent companies or individuals who try to deny responsibility. We understand the physical and emotional difficulties related to your injury and impending legal battle, and we will represent you with the compassion and diligence you deserve.

Please contact the Turley Law Firm using the form on this page or call 214-691-4025 or email today to schedule your free product liability consultation. We serve clients throughout the Dallas Metropolitan area, including Fort Worth, Plano and Richardson, Texas. We also handle cases for clients nationwide.

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