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Texas soldier, a child porn video maker, gets lifetime sentence

A life sentence was recently handed down in a federal court for a high-ranking Navy officer at Fort Bliss, Texas. The government convicted the 49-year-old command master chief for watching and sharing child pornography and the repeated sexual abuse of a child.

Prosecutors said the member of the elite, armed services Joint Task Force North apparently had a dark side that was separate from his superior military work. The Navy leader was a member of an image-sharing website called Dreamboard which contained, among other things, videos of adult sexual assaults on children.

The servicemember’s arrest was made at the same time more than 70 others were taken into custody by international investigators for Dreamboard participation. Dreamboard was translated for members on five continents. Forty-two convictions have already been made.

Government attorneys said Dreamboard bulletin board members were accepted into the online network after uploading share files of child pornography. The pornography network used multilevel, computer security techniques to avoid detection.

Members of the site were encouraged to create and upload increasing amounts of child porn to access more images. Some videos that investigators found depicted battered children and minors having sex with adults.

The Fort Bliss veteran pleaded guilty to the sex crimes last December and was sentenced in July.

The sentence of a lifetime federal prison term for taking part in the global abuse of children is considered harsh but appropriate by the U.S. Attorney’s Office. Prosecutors said the outstanding member of the military had a “Jekyll and Hyde” personality that other servicemembers never knew.

Sexual abuse and exploitation of children are some of the most serious and highly-punishable crimes. Adults accused and convicted of these crimes are often in prominent positions that seem to insulate them from suspicion. The stories of children who speak up about sexual assaults are sometimes dismissed by adults who cannot believe a trusted person could commit such a reprehensible crime.

Young victims who are coerced to perform acts can suffer from permanent physical and psychological harm. Children are defenseless against the ravages of their attackers and exploiters. Knowledgeable and skilled attorneys who are experienced in protecting the defending innocent from these predators are there to provide a voice for the innocent to make sure that justice is served on their behalf.

Source:, “Ex-Fort Bliss task force member gets life in child-porn case,” Daniel Borunda, July 18, 2012

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