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Home > Attorney for Explosion Disasters

Attorney for Explosion Disasters

Plant explosions pose serious risks to neighbors that live or work near the plant.

People can be seriously injured and property can be damaged or destroyed. Plant explosions are oftentimes caused by lax safety measures within the plant or by the negligent acts of a tanker delivering or removing chemicals from the plant. This means that in some situations, even those who work at the plant may be able to take legal action to protect their rights when they are injured during a plant fire or explosion.

What Can You Expect in the Aftermath of a Plant Explosion?

Plant fires and explosions often cause death and horrific injuries such as burns, brain damage and injury to the lungs from breathing in dangerous chemicals released into the air.

Both chemicals and fire cause burns. While burns themselves are painful, the treatment for burns is a painful process that can continue for many days and in some cases even longer. Burns can be life threatening and put the victim at a much greater risk for infection. Even with the best care, lifelong scarring usually results. In addition to scarring, burn victims are also at risk for contractures that limit the ability to move arms and legs. Sometimes these conditions require additional surgeries.

When there is an explosion, large and small pieces of metal become dangerous projectiles that cause serious injuries when they hit the body, including the head. These projectiles can become embedded in whatever part of the body they hit. The result can be catastrophic resulting in head injuries or amputations that last a lifetime.

The concussive effect of an explosion, the force released in the explosion, can injure the brain, even when no object hits the head. The force of the blast alone can result in serious lifelong disability because of injury to the brain or hearing loss.

Brain injuries should be treated quickly and may require a long term treatment.

What Does the Recovery Process Involve?

Even with the best medical care, even “mild” brain injuries can permanently affect the ability to function as before. This loss of function can come from being unable to learn new things or remember new information, damage to specific areas of the brain that control movement or speech, or generalized damage to the entire brain. With severe brain damage, lifelong assistance is often required because the victim simply cannot do what he could before. Even the simplest tasks that we take for granted may be impossible.

Breathing in dangerous fumes can cause lifelong damage to the lungs with loss of ability to function normally. Sometimes this injury is not immediately recognized and only comes to light later. After breathing dangerous fumes a good medical evaluation is important so that treatment, when necessary, can begin promptly.

Contact Our Skilled Attorneys Today — Free Consultation

Our work accident lawyers are here to help you get full and fair compensation for your injuries. To get in touch with our law firm and set up your free consultation, please call 214-691-4025 or email

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