Hot Coffee Documentary on HBO | Turley Law Firm
I saw the new HBO documentary Hot Coffee last night. This documentary tells the real stories of ordinary people trying to get justice in our civil courts for wrongs done to them or their families.
We all grew up believing that if someone wrongfully hurt us or our family that we could seek justice at the courthouse, and that those who hurt us would be held accountable for what they did to us. The wrongdoer would be financially responsible for his actions.
Seeking justice was never easy, but over the last 20 years it has become increasingly difficult. This documentary, Hot Coffee, explains how the coordinated and carefully structured work of big corporations and their lobbyists have eroded individual rights that we all thought we had under the United States Constitution. The only way we can preserve our Constitutional rights is by educating ourselves and speaking up.
Take a few minutes to watch this documentary on HBO, or get it on your computer through HBOgo. Educate yourself and speak out to preserve your rights!