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Home Safety Tips for Fall Prevention

Dallas slip and fall attorneys can help after an injuryAlmost all of us took the occasional fall as a child. From learning to ride a bike to building a tree house, falls are common in our early years. Fortunately, children’s bodies are resilient, and recovery is usually uncomplicated. As adults, though, we have to be more careful, as a nasty spill can cause a whole host of injuries.

If you have fallen and sustained injuries, you may be able to recover damages from the negligent party. Please contact the Dallas slip and fall attorneys at the Turley Law Firm today at 214-691-4025 to schedule your free consultation.

Slip and fall accidents fall under the umbrella of premises liability law, which exists to compensate victims who are injured while on someone else’s property. But what can you do at home to ensure your own safety as well as that of your guests? Here are a few helpful suggestions from the National Safety Council:

  • Secure carpets to floors.
  • Clean spills immediately.
  • Keep outdoor walkways free of ice and snow.
  • Make sure that stairways have hand railings on both sides, and install slip-resistant adhesive strips on the steps themselves.
  • Keep clutter off of floors to prevent people from tripping.
  • Keep outdoor areas well-lit.
  • Install safety bars in bathtubs and showers.
  • Keep nightlights in hallways, bathrooms, and the kitchen.
  • Make everyday items like food and clothing accessible to obviate the need to use a ladder or stepstool.

Slip and fall accidents are almost always preventable, so it feels particularly egregious when an injury is due to someone else’s negligence. In such cases, you have a right to seek compensation for your injuries and medical bills.

If you’ve been injured in an accident on someone else’s property, please contact the Turley Law Firm today at 214-691-4025 to arrange a case evaluation with one of our Dallas slip and fall attorneys.

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