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Fatigued driving is lethal to Texas family

Drivers who get on the road when they are fatigued or overly tired are taking chances with not only their lives, but the lives of others. Fatigue, texting and other distractions, are common factors in car and truck accidents. They are all considered reckless behavior, even though there is no intention to cause a collision or hurt another.

A Texas family traveling through New Mexico had a head-on collision with a 24-year-old man driving a Ford pickup truck. The young man in the pickup truck allegedly became fatigued and crossed into the opposite lane. The Texas family of four were in a van heading south when the collision occurred.

All four family members were said to have been killed upon impact. They included a 47-year-old father, a 48-year-old mother, a 12-year-old daughter and a 7-year-old son. Another son, who is a basketball player at the University of New Orleans, was not with the family and is the only survivor.

The deceased family was from Argyle, Texas. The children attended school in the Argyle Independent School District.

The 24-year-old driver of the pickup truck was hospitalized with injuries that were non life-threatening.

In accidents where injury or death occur due to the reckless behavior of another party, surviving family members have the option of filing a personal injury or wrongful death suit against the responsible party to claim compensation for their loss and expenses. There is nothing that will bring their loved ones back or put their life back together the way it was, but compensation can often help suffering family members to be able to move ahead with their lives.

Source:, “Head-On Crash Kills Denton County Family of Four” Aug. 11, 2014

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