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Even minor aviation accidents can violate your rights

As a passenger on any sort of aircraft, you have a basic right to safe travel that is free from injury. The airline that operates the vehicle cannot be negligent or reckless in any way that could lower the quality of the service that they provide. If you ever are injured, it is very important that you know how this could violate your rights and what you can do about it.

One thing to remember is that not all aviation accidents are mass air disasters. While a major plane crash is going to make it to the news, generating worldwide interest, the fact of the matter is that accidents and injuries involving smaller planes are more common. They simply do not get the same level of coverage because fewer people are involved.

It is also good to know that no matter what size the aircraft is, injuries can happen without a crash. These injuries could include things like:

  • Accidents while going up and down the stairs to board or deplane.
  • Injuries caused by turbulence while the plane is in flight.
  • Luggage shifting during takeoff or landing and then falling from the overhead compartments.
  • Injuries coming from smoke inhalation if there is a fire aboard the plane, even if it is on the tarmac and deplaning is done quickly.

No matter how slight the injury, it could still bring about medical bills and pain and suffering. Do you want to learn more about what you can do in a situation like this? If so, please take a look at our page on airplane accidents today.

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