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Home > Ask Windle: FAQ

Ask Windle: FAQ

“Hello, I’m Windle Turley …”

For the past several years we’ve answered common questions in a series of radio spots called, Ask Windle Turley. Some of the topics were about specific types of cases, others discussed general issues of Personal Injury law. The more common questions were:

Who Can Sue?

Hello, it’s Windle Turley, you know our law office frequently receives questions from people wondering about who should proceed with a lawsuit or claim when there has been a tragic and unnecessary death because of someone else’s neglect. Well, in Texas that right to seek justice is an exclusive right granted by law to the victim’s parents, their current spouse, the victim’s children, and in some cases, the victim’s estate. All others, such as aunts and uncles, grandparents, or fiancées are ordinarily excluded.

Flag of Justice

Our Flag of Justice: The firm’s flag flies over its offices when we achieve special justice for our clients.

Leadership: Our lawyers often serve as officers and leaders in major legal organizations including the Association of Trial Lawyers of America, the America Bar Association, the Texas Trial Lawyers Association, the State Bar of Texas, the Dallas Trial Lawyers Association, and the Dallas Bar Association.

Making a Difference in Long-Term Safety

Does personal injury litigation really make any difference in long-term safety in this country?

Over and over again we have seen conduct modified and products changed because corporate, individual and government wrongdoers were called to account for their misdeeds. Countless examples of unsafe products have been recalled from the market, vehicle designs changed, toxic environments altered and government practices re-examined, all because an injured party hired a lawyer to assert their just cause.

Attorney’s Fees and Expenses

Who pays the attorney’s fees and expenses while preparing for a lawsuit for an injured party?

In almost all instances, the payment of attorney’s fees is contingent upon the successful recovery of money from the defendant. The other expenses of the litigation, which may range from one thousand up to several hundred thousand dollars, is advanced by this law firm against potential recovery. In most instances, depending on the nature of the case, fees are the same as changed by other firms and individual practitioners.

Greatest Challenge for Personal Injury Attorneys

What do you see as the great challenge for today’s personal injury attorney?

Without a doubt, the greatest long-term challenge we face is keeping the courthouse and trial by jury open and available to injured and abused people. Those frequently sued for the injuries and death they cause have spent huge sums of money to disseminate information that is often misleading or inaccurate. It is this information that is designed to turn the public against injured persons’ rights, trial by jury or representation by attorneys of their choice. I firmly believe in the right of individuals to hire the attorney of their choice, which is made possible through the contingency fee system, and to present their just cause for a determination by a jury of their peers. These rights are fundamental to a free democracy.

Foreign Corporations as Defendants

“What happens if I’m injured in the U.S. by a product or by the negligence of a foreign corporation? Can I still obtain justice?”

The answer is “Yes.” In almost all cases a foreign manufacturer or company doing business in the United States can also be held accountable here. They must operate under the same laws and regulations as American corporations. So remember, the important thing is to always ask an experienced personal injury lawyer about your options, and how you should proceed.

If you would like to know more, just write me at “Ask Windle Turley,” 6440 N. Central Expressway, Suite 1000, Dallas 75206, Email Me, or call 972-591-0124 or 214-691-4025. And remember, if you have a question about personal injury, chances are the Turley Law Firm has the answer.

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